A couple years ago my friend Dre and I went out to California to visit a mutual friend of ours. We were notorious for randomness and shenanigans when the three of us would get together - Hell Dre and I are prone to that ourselves when he and I get together, but all of that aside, we ended up getting tattoos. Dre had always been fond of a tattoo shop back here in Omaha called American Tattoo, and we happened to come across an American Tattoo shop there in California. If I remember correctly, IF, we kind of came across it by accident. Either that, or Dre looked for American Tattoo specifically, which I suppose sounds more plausible, but it was more fun to say we had come across it by accident, but anyway - we went to American Tattoo.
Me: ......
Tattoo Guy: Seriously, you’re burnt (hands released from chest, then placed them back)
Me: ..... *stares down at his hands that are so clearly fondling my boobs*
Tattoo Guy: So, you want this on your shoulder, huh?
Me: .....Yeah......
There it is - It’s small, isn’t it? Yeah, I didn’t have much money to drop on a tattoo, so that’s what I got. It was still a good piece for how much I spent, and honestly, the guy only charged me $75 for that tattoo. If you remember, the guy in Wichita wanted to charge me $150 for that tiny one on the back of my neck! Crazy, right?! I ended up paying $100 (tipped him $25), despite the fact that he was most definitely fondling my boobs the whole time he was tattooing me. Meh, whatever right? I eventually just brushed it off and didn’t care.
You may still be wondering if it was a mistake to get a tattoo with my sunburn... You know what? I almost fell asleep!!! I tell you what, I throughly enjoyed getting this tattoo; and it turned out very well. This is where I learned how to impulsively get a tattoo and have it turn out well. Here’s the secret ----- GO TO A REPUTABLE TATTOO SHOP!!! That may sound like a “DUH,” but so many people make the same mistakes I used to by just going in to a random shop, taking the first artist available, not looking at his portfolio (which I didn’t do with this guy, but I trust Dre’s judgement on pretty much everything, so I just went with it), and end up with something that needs to be fixed later. No tattoo artist likes fixing another tattoo artist’s fuck up. I’m sure my current tattoo artist will be ever so pleased when he goes in to touch up my dragonfly tattoo (this statement comes heavily laden with sarcasm).
Aaaaaaaand back to the tattoo experience - You know how they always say not to immerse yourself in water, go swimming, or anything like that after a tattoo? Well, all three of us ignored that rule and went splashing around in the ocean the next day. I didn’t even think about it at first; I just went right in (and by went right in, I really mean walked carefully - it was holy shit cold - then was jumped from behind and dunked), and it wasn’t until after leaving the water ever so suddenly that I realized I was swimming with a fresh tattoo!!! We all kind of paused for a moment, contemplated what we were doing, and continued to play in the water and the sand. Nothing bad came of playing in the water, getting buried in the sand, and hanging out in the sun.
My Japanese Cherry Blossom continued to look magnificent
--More on that later.
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